In high school I thought I was going to be an Olympic rower. In college I studied to become a Biblical scholar. After I got married, I decided to study Couples Therapy. The latter seemed to stick. I still want my chance at the Olympics...
Other interesting facts: I moved out of the country at age 16 by myself, dropped out of high school (to start college early), have lived in the 4 most popular cities in the country (I'll let you guess which ones they are), and I probably have the most horrible handwriting you'll ever see (apologies to all the graphologists of the world). I've been married for almost 15 years to the same wonderful woman who is also a therapist (lucky us). If you want to hear my joke about 15 years married, I'll share it with you next time we meet. ;)
I have 6 kids. Nope, that's not a typo. I get intimidated by offering parenting classes (don't wanna jinx myself), and I admit to knowing firsthand what it's like to raise kids with learning disabilities, off the charts smart, attitude, sibling rivalry, puberty, waking up in the night to change diapers, to run to the ER, or to look at those little angels while they're sleeping wondering how could they ever cause so much stress.
And now for a little bit about me as a therapist. I don't believe in bad guys, but I do believe that mistakes are made and need healing. I believe every behavior has a reason, even if you can't imagine it ever making sense why he/she (or you) do X (fill in the blank with whatever you'd like). I don't justify behavior, but I do justify feelings. And I try to help you understand them. It is my job as the couples therapist to help you understand yourself and each other. I am a firm believer that the vulnerable human emotions that we all have are the secret hiding place where hearts lock on to each other. A few fun (and some important) facts about me as a therapist:
Couples Therapy is an art. The final mosaic should be a picture of hope, connection, understanding, and dreams coming true. I look forward to creating that mosaic with you.
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